RASL Minor tutors

RASL Minor Tutors – The transdisciplinary RASL Minor at the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab, Netherlands was introduced in September 2019 and was collectively taught by Josue Amador (Codarts), Sami Hammana (WdKA), Dieuwke Boersma (WdKA/Erasmus University), and Çağlar Köseoğlu (Erasmus University). They spoke with Renée Turner about their approaches to transdisciplinary learning and teaching, addressing student…

Joost De Raeymaecker

Joost De Raeymaecker is an Antwerp-based architect, philosopher, and PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of Philosophy (EUR). His research focusses on the Principle of Sufficient Reason and its transition from critique to care in American pragmatism and French empiricism. In addition, he teaches in the LDE minor ‘Modes of Existence: Architecture and Philosophy (MAP)’. On…


*Slow* Transdisciplinary education is not built for efficiency or speed. With collaboration at its core, it is a cumbersome affair, if not at times unwieldy. Rather than being a hindrance, it is an affordance, a means of engaging wholly in complexity. To borrow from the Belgian philosopher Isabelle Stengers: It is here that the word…