
This collection of resources has come into being through the generosity and knowledge-sharing of many. During various interviews, conversations and events we organised, people referenced texts, websites, inspirational practices and models of transdisciplinary education. Some even shared their growing bibliographies with us. We thank everyone who added to this evolving list of resources. Every contribution has helped expand and refine our thinking.

This selection is far from comprehensive; it is a work in progress. Also, within transdisciplinary work, it is crucial to acknowledge infinite cross-overs and the profoundly porous borders between practice and theory and formal and informal education. There is also a fluidity between inter-, multiple-, intra-, cross- and trans-disciplinary work. With these fruitful ambiguities in mind, for simple ease of navigation, we have organised the references into three categories: Reading, Education & Practice.


The Forest Curriculum is an itinerant and nomadic platform for indisciplinary research and mutual co-learning. It proposes to assemble a located critique of the Anthropocene via the naturecultures of zomia, the forested belt that connects South and Southeast Asia. The Forest Curriculum works with artists, researchers, indigenous organizations and thinkers, musicians, activists. It was founded and is co-directed by curators Abhijan Toto and Pujita Guha.

KNOTS (Knowledge Networks oTransdisciplinary Studies) focuses on contemporary development challenges in Southeast Asia, in which transdisciplinary research approaches offer novel insights and innovative solutions. They focus in particular on environmental degradation, migration and social inequality.

RASL, the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab is a transdisciplinary research and education consortium between the Willem de Kooning Academy (art and design academy), Erasmus University, and Codarts (performing arts academy). RASL brings together the arts, humanities and sciences to address complex issues in innovative and speculative ways. Next to research and education, publishing and knowledge sharing are central to its activities.

SPEAP is a Master programme founded by Bruno Latour that brings together architects, designers, academics, public servants, managers, researchers, administrators, activists.  The programme’s conceptual framework is based on the fields of social sciences and humanities (including philosophy, sociology, history and science). The programme combines theoretical teaching with pragmatic tools and concepts, through group work and workshops that are comprised of exercises in which participants co-develop and test practical solutions to real-world issues. 

Transdisciplinary Insights is an Honours Programme course at master level that promotes this type of research. The programme allows students to explore diverse topics in an innovative, creative and cross-disciplinary manner, helping them grow as solution-oriented researchers or entrepreneurs.