RASL Minor tutors

RASL Minor Tutors – The transdisciplinary RASL Minor at the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab, Netherlands was introduced in September 2019 and was collectively taught by Josue Amador (Codarts), Sami Hammana (WdKA), Dieuwke Boersma (WdKA/Erasmus University), and Çağlar Köseoğlu (Erasmus University). They spoke with Renée Turner about their approaches to transdisciplinary learning and teaching, addressing student…


*Listening* One of the challenges within transdisciplinary teaching and learning is fostering safe and brave spaces for speaking and listening. 1 When collaborating, it is easy for communication to collapse into a simple game of relay where you say this and I say that. Inevitably, the soundscape can be rapidly filled with disparate opinions and,…